
Tales Of The Blue Fairy

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The Blue Fairy lived in the enchanted forest of Fantasea. Often, she would take walks through the forest visiting her different friends who lived there. On one particularly sunny day, while walking her favorite path, she heard the sounds of someone crying behind a bush. She peeked behind the bush and saw her friend, Yoonie the unicorn crying. “Whats wrong Yoonie?”, she asked. “I lost my horn. I took a nap and when I woke up it was gone”, Yoonie replied. “I can’t be a unicorn if I don’t have my horn”.

The Blue Fairy knew that horns don’t just get up and walk away on their own, so she looked around where Yoonie had been sleeping. “Aha!” the Blue Fairy cried. “See those footprints? Somebody was here.” On the ground were some big footprints that lead away from where Yoonie had been sleeping.

“Oh my goodness, stars and garters!” cried Yoonie. “What are we going to do now? I just have to get my horn back.” “Don’t worry Yoonie, I will help you get your horn back. We just have to follow these footprints to see where they lead.”

So the two friends started to follow the footprints. After some time, they emerged from the enchanted forest and found themselves in the foothills of the Mountains of the Moon. The footprints were heading straight up into the mountains. “Are we going to have to go up there?”, Yoonie asked pointing to the mountains. “It sure looks like it Yoonie, as long as we do our best and keep going, we will find your horn.”

Up, up, up into the mountains they climbed going higher and higher. They climbed so high they could touch the passing clouds as they fluffed by. Still the footprints kept going up the mountain until they at last came to a rainbow bridge. “Now what are we going to do?” asked Yoonie. “I can’t walk across the rainbow bridge, it’s magic, and without my horn I can’t do magic things.” Yoonie started to cry again.

Just then, one of the Blue Fairy’s other friends, Beechnut the wood elf, came wandering across the bridge from the other direction. “Hi!” he said, as he spotted the Blue Fairy. “What are you two doing way up here?” “Someone took Yoonies horn while she was sleeping. We found some footprints and now we are following them to go find her horn.” replied the Blue Fairy. “But Yoonie can’t cross the bridge without her magic horn and we don’t know what to do now.

“By the way, why are you way up here Beechnut? You usually stay in the forest” said the Blue Fairy. “I was playing with some of the birds in the forest and Robin took my favorite elf hat with the red feather and hid it somewhere. So I was up here looking for it” he said. “You haven’t seen it have you?” “No” both Yoonie and the Blue Fairy said. “Well”, said Beechnut, “if you help me find my hat, I will let Yoonie borrow my magic acorn to go across the rainbow bridge.” “That would be great!” the Blue Fairy said. Yoonie started looking much happier.

The Blue Fairy knew that the best place to start looking for something is where it was last seen. So she asked Beechnut where he had it last. He told her that he last had it in the enchanted forest where he had been playing with the birds. So, back down the mountain they went. Down past the fluffing clouds, down,down, down until they were in the foothills just outside of the enchanted forest.

Once back inside the forest, Beechnut took them to the place he had been playing. “This is where I last had my favorite hat” he said. “Ok, lets start looking around” the Blue Fairy said. They looked in the bushes, they looked behind the trees, they looked under rocks, they looked in every nook and cranny they could find, but still no hat.

“Oh dear, I’m never going to get my horn back” wailed Yoonie. “Don’t lose hope yet Yoonie, we will find your horn and Beechnut’s hat, we just need to stop and think” said the Blue Fairy. “Maybe we can ask someone for help” she said. She looked around and saw Oogle the owl perched up in his tree. “Oogle” she yelled up into his tree, “have you seen a green elf hat with a red feather?” “Hoo hoo, yes I have, I saw red robin playing with one earlier.” “Do you know where it is?” asked the Blue Fairy. “No, but he was playing near that big oak tree when I saw him” replied Oogle. “Thank you Oogle” said the Blue Fairy.

So the Blue Fairy, Yoonie and Beechnut all walked over to the big oak tree. It was huge. They looked all over the ground around the tree but still did not find Beechnut’s hat. “What are we going to do now?” sniffed Yoonie. “It’s going to be dark soon and we still haven’t found Beechnut’s hat or my horn.” “Let me think” said the Blue Fairy. “We’ve looked all over the ground, but Robin is a bird and can fly. Maybe we haven’t been looking in the right place. Let me look up in the tree.” With that, the Blue Fairy flew up into the tree and looked around. She didn’t see anything at first and was about to give up when, up near the top of the tree she saw an opening. Peeking inside she saw Beechnut’s hat!

Grabbing the hat she flew down to the others shouting with joy. “I found it, I found it!” she cried. Landing on the ground next to Beechnut, she handed him his hat. “Thank you very much Blue Fairy” he said, “and you too Yoonie, here is my magic acorn. Just return it when your done with it.” Waving good bye, he ran off deeper into the enchanted forest.

“Yippie!” shouted Yoonie. “Now we can go find my horn.” So the two of them, Yoonie and the Blue Fairy, once more headed out of the enchanted forest following the footprints. Again they went through the foothills and up, up, up into the mountains of the Moon. Up past the fluffy clouds and once more stood at the rainbow bridge.

After making sure that Yoonie still had the magic acorn, they both walked across the bridge. At the top of the bridge they decided to slide down the other side. So they slid down the rainbow, bounced on the clouds, swung from the stars and floated all the way to the moon.

“That was fun” said Yoonie. “Let’s do it again.” “Don’t you want to find your horn?” the Blue Fairy asked. “Oh yes, I forgot. It was just so fun sliding and bouncing and swinging.” Following the footprints once again, they walked across the moon kicking up dust. Suddenly, they came upon a moon cave. The footprints went inside.

“Should we go inside?” Yoonie asked nervously. “If you want to find your horn we have to” said the Blue Fairy. Cautiously they entered the dark cave. Near the back wall of the cave lay Zorch the ogre. Laying next to him on the ground was Yoonies horn. With a squeal of joy Yoonie ran up and grabbed her horn and placed it back on her forehead.

Meanwhile, Yoonie’s squeal had woken Zorch the ogre. “Grrrr, who is in here?” he growled. “Just us” said the Blue Fairy. “You took Yoonie’s horn, we came to get it back.” “I just wanted to borrow it so I could go across the rainbow bridge and explore this cave I heard about from my friend” he mumbled. “It isn’t nice to take things that don’t belong to you without asking first. You should be ashamed of yourself, next time ask.”

“I’m sorry Yoonie” Zorch said, “but, can I borrow it again to get back across the bridge because I still need it to go across? I don’t want to be stuck here.” Yoonie told him it would serve him right if he was stuck here, but in the end, she agreed to let him borrow it to get back across the rainbow bridge.

So all three returned to the enchanted forest. Yoonie had her horn back, the Blue Fairy felt good for helping her friends and maybe Zorch was a little wiser and had learned that it is better to ask for something than to just take it.
I play an online game sometimes that allows you to have pets. One of the possible pets are a blue pixie, which I have. My daughter loves it and fairies in general. So I decided to write a story for her that included a blue fairy, and this is that story.
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sora1589's avatar
ahh thats so sweet, and guess what, hehe, as I was reading it I went..hmm, hehe I bet he wrote that for his daughter! This is such a well written story, maybe some parts that could use some work as far as making it easy to read for younger children, but the plot's great and the language is really good too. I hope you find the time to write more of these, I'd buy them myself for my nephew/niece/future kids, it's a great story